Making Focaccia is easier than you think, project updates and more

Hi and welcome to the first Monday Report. This will be a weekly newsletter I’ll be sharing with you every Monday Morning. It’s like a little conversation between me and you where I will share everything of note from the previous week. This could include any of the following; overheard conversations, new interviews with Fran Lebowitz, beautiful things found in the world, project updates, links worth checking out, tips and tricks and other miscellaneous items.

focaccia bread

Making focaccia is actually easier than you think it is.

And I can say that with 100% certainty because I made focaccia. It was actually, surprisingly, not worth any of the stress thoughts I was thinking. I have one suggestion for you though: make sure you read the whole recipe before you decide to make it. The instructions will surprise you. Somewhere halfway through, the instructions will tell you to; ‘CHILL THE DOUGH FOR AN ETERNITY.’ Which translates to: 8-24 hours. If you aren’t aware of this instruction before you make your focaccia, you will be eating focaccia tomorrow, not today. And guess who is going to have to disappoint their waiting instagram friends with this news? You will. So to avoid all disappointment, read the recipe. The only other surprise in store for you will be that you are amazing (which you already knew) and that you can actually make focaccia.

Find the recipe here: Bon Appetit Classic Focaccia Bread Recipe

The recipe I actually wanted to make: Shockingly Easy No-Knead Focaccia (this one also has videos showing you exactly how to do it. V. Helpful!)

book alignment chart

Bookmark Alignment Chart

Not sure how long this chart has been circulating around the internet, but I was thrilled when I discovered it this week. Book lovers have been bonding or arguing over how one should keep track of one’s page in their books for as long as books have existed. It is a topic as divisive as whether a man prefers a crew neck t-shirt or a v-neck t-shirt, it’s always one or the other. It’s very rare that it is ever both.

If you’d presented me with this chart a few months ago, I would have balked at the fact that chaotic evil (dog earing) is even on here. It used to disgust me when I’d see those little folded corners in books. How could you do that to your precious, gorgeous little angel baby…errr I mean book! However, now that I’m destroying books for fun on a regular basis; #julietxbreakfastattiffanys, I’m totally nonplussed about it. Treat your book however you like, see if I care.

I asked my instagram fam how they aligned and it was mostly a tie between monsters and angels (Dog earring and random objects.)

Me? I used to be chaotic good, but now I actually prefer to note down what I’m up to in my notes app on my phone.

Find out: the origin of these types of charts via The Atlantic article: A Chart to Explain Your Entire Worldview

music_the juliet report.


New songs I added to my playlist this week:

  • New York, New York by Daisy Dash

  • All Night Long by ives

  • Lonely Soul - UNKLE Feat. Richard Ashcroft

  • Hewlett’s Daughter - Grandaddy

  • The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

  • Fantastic Man - William Onyeabor

  • A Real Hero - College Feat. Electric Youth

kirks wine bar


I started a fun new project with Kirk’s Wine Bar this week. It’s a place I go to quite often and absolutely love. It’s the only place I know where just by sitting in a different seat you feel like you are in a completely different place. I’ve never been to Paris, but from what I’ve read about the place and seen from films and photographs, I feel like Kirk’s is trés Paris. My favourite spot is the little nook next to the bar. You can pretty much see everything that’s going on from that seat. It’s the best spot to sit and people watch while you sip some wine and read your book. To celebrate my love for Kirk’s I’ll be drawing 100 drawings of anything that catches my eye. The food, the architecture, its little quirks, the staff, the regulars, the furry friends; the culture of Kirk’s.

The image above is everything I’ve drawn so far.

breakfast at tiffany's


I’ve created a section on my website now for this project and so far I’ve posted the genesis behind the concept and also the rules.

Here’s an excerpt from that post:

The concept for the Breakfast at Tiffany’s Book Project is a combination of various ideas and curiosities I have collected over time.

Firstly, the book is a classic. Written in 1958 by Truman Capote and made into a film directed by Blake Edwards in 1961. Upon mention of Breakfast at Tiffany’s, most of us will instantly visualise the iconic image of Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly. You know the one, she’s in that black Givenchy number with those fabulous pearls around her neck. Heck, even if you haven’t seen the film you will know exactly what image I’m referring to. It’s no secret that I love the book and the film. I even chose it as one of the books for my book club #thejulietbookreport in 2018. Holly Golightly is my kindred spirit, also, anything set in New York instantly has my heart and attention. 

For the full story: ABOUT THE PROJECT

JULIET, Where’s the stuff you promised on the Coronavirus Quarantine Dystopian Thoughts???

I haven’t finished it yet, but I’ll update this section once I have and I’ll let you know. Hold tight!


My intentions for this week are as follows:

  • To get at least 8 hours sleep for at least three nights this week

  • Make the Molly Baz earl grey cake from Bon Appetit

  • Finish reading Three Women by Lisa Taddeo and begin a new book

  • Find a pickled garlic recipe, and make pickled garlic

If you have a pickled garlic recipe, please share below, also I’d love to know what your intentions for the week are.
